Modern elevator cars are designated as "safe rooms" and they are the safest place if the system fails. The Elevator Factory provides various installations for the elevator. So modern elevators are very safe. The elevator car has emergency calls and alarms that allow passengers to call for help. They are not sealed and the stuck passengers are not at risk of air shortage.
Vertical transportation is an important financial investment in any commercial building, up to hundreds of thousands of dollars for medium-sized buildings. With this valuable asset, there is a clear procedure to ensure proper elevator maintenance is a good thing. Although this article focuses on elevator maintenance, the most general information applies to escalators as well.
Maintain the elevator support system, please check and repair:
Emergency lighting and alarms
Communication device (for example, walkie-talkie or telephone)
In order to maintain the physical state of the elevator:
keep clean
Inspect and repair internal damage
Check signs and repair if necessary
Elevator checklist
1. Make sure the elevator key is suitable for the elevator panel.
2. Switch the elevator to phase 1 to see if it is called correctly.
three. Determine if the key can be removed from the lobby panel of the fire service.
4. In the car, switch to the fire service and check if the "Call Cancel" function is valid.